
Einst war der Jägerhain ein Ruhiger und entspannender Ort für Reisende und für die ansässigen Lebewesend es Waldes... zumindest so lange bis der Fluch ausgebrochen ist.

Als der Fluch den Hein heimsuchte erklärte der Eisenkönig den Wald zu seinen Jagdgründen und die einstigen Treibjagten der Jäger wurden zu Untoten Treibjagten der Königlichen Soldaten des Alten Eisenkönigs, welche anstelle des Wilds Untoten zur strecke brachten.

Viele der einst Kühnen Ritter des Königs sind lauern immer noch dort, mittlerweile schon mehr zu dem geworden das sie einst jagten.

Die Einstigen 3 Generäle verschanzten sich in einer geheimen Gruft versteckt hinter einem Wasserfall.

Sie sammelten immer mehr macht und stellten eine eigen kleine Armee zusammen.

Ob sie noch Menschlich sind fragt ihr euch?

Nun außer dem Geklapper von Knochen die wohl den Folterungen der Generäle anheim fielen sind selbst durch das Rauschen des Wasserfalls zu hören.

Oder könnte es weit Schlimmeres sein als Knochen die Gefoltert werden?

Ich erfuhr durcheinen Reisenden das reges leben in der Gruft sein soll...

Oder Unleben?


Die Ritter und Jäger dort sind das weit weniger schlimmere übel...

Furchtbare Kreaturen durchstreifen die Wälder die wie missglückte Experimente aussehen. Als hätte sie jemand dort ausgesetzt nachdem er keine Verwendung mehr dafür hatte.

Wer ist nur für solche Ausgeburten verantwortlich?

Es gibt wohl eine Verbindung zu den Mutationen aus den Tiefen der Bastion doch welche...

Zudem ist da noch das große Kolosseum.

Die einstige Residenz welche der Königliche Henker beanspruchte.

Unmenschliches soll dort von statten gehen...

Der Henker soll dort immer noch ohne Ruhe auf einem Dämonischen Streitross durch die Gänge Reiten und immer und immer wieder die einstigen dort Gefangenen Quälen. Er wird diese Arbeit nie beenden, nicht weil es ihm unermesslichen Spass bereitet... nein...

Der Fluch soll ihm anheften was ihn dazu verdammt bis in alle Ewigkeit seiner

Arbeit nach zu kommen welche er so liebt! Zumindest bis irgend wann jemand diesen treiben Einhalt gebietet...

Gerüchten zufolge soll sich ein Kult in den Tiefen des Kolosseums eingenistet haben welche einen Uralten Gott des Blutes dienen.

Sie erhalten sich ihre Menschlichkeit durch dem sie andere Menschen töten!

Sie sollen Nihilitische Freude am töten haben und im Blute ihrer Opfer baden.

Sollte man das verlangen haben diese Sekte beitreten zu wollen müsse man wohl beweisen können das man eine Lust zu töten... oder viel mehr spass daran hat das Blut andere zu vergießen unter beweis stellen.

Es mag sich ekelerregend anhören doch kann man nicht von der Hand weisen das sie alle noch nicht zur Hülle wurden.

Wenn auch auf kosten der eigenen Art...

Es ist schon ironisch wie aus einst einem Wundevollem Wald der Ruhe, ein Ort des Schlachten, Blutvergießens und todes wurde.

Verfasser: Joe Doe.

external image uX0t1dL.jpg
Previous area Majula oder Heides Flammenturm

Zurück zur Ortsübersicht
Next Area: Hölle der Untoten oder Erntetal


  • Creighton of Mirrah
    • Met in the Undead Lockaway bonfire, teaches 'Fist Pump' gesture he tells you that he came to Drangleic with Mild-Mannered Pate, honing his blade in the dangerous land. He claims that Pate trapped him in there and since you freed him, he can hunt him down.
"Pate, the man with the strange ring. Watch out for the slimy rat. And don't you believe a word he says. I'll find the common footpad, and put an end to his roguery."


  • Rogue Set
  • Prisoners Set
  • Ricard's Rapier
  • Flame Butterfly
  • Poison Moss x3
  • Bandits Knife
  • Pharros Lockstone
  • Token of Fidelity
  • Small Burrs (ALL TYPES)
  • Notched Whip
  • Undead Lockaway Key
  • Soul Spear (Sorcery)
  • Rouge Water x1 (Area between Majula and Huntsman's Copse)
  • Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier x2
  • Soul of a Nameless Soldier x1
  • Lifegem x3
  • Aromatic Ooze x1
  • Morning Star
  • Poison Throwing Knife x10
  • Titanite Shard x4
  • Magic Mace
  • Combustion
  • Green Blossom x1
  • Monastery Charm x1
  • Soul of a Proud Knight x1


  • Hollows
  • Poison Butterflies
  • Sickle Wielding Giants
  • Hollow Thieves
  • Skeletons
  • Necromancer
  • Torch-wielding Hollows
  • Purgatory Guardians
  • Merciless Roenna (NPC INVADER)
  • BOSS: Skeleton Lords


1. After meeting Licia of Lindelt in Heide's Tower of Flame and expending all of her dialogue, she will move to the contraption in the tunnel leading to Heide's Tower. You will know if she's there because the light above the door will be shining brightly. For 2000 souls she will change the path and you can now enter the Huntsman's Copse.

2. Upon first entering there will be a corpse with a Rouge Water on it followed by a long cave up. At the exit to the cave, there will be an NPC named Felkin, sitting in a chair facing the wall, he is a Hex trainer and claims you lack the skill to learn his trade. You need a minimum of 8 Intelligence and 8 Faith to access him as a merchant(When you exhaust his speech (as a sorcerer?) you will be given the Sunset staff which requires 20 faith and 20 intelligence & Hex robes). Anyways, after exiting the cave to the left will be the first bonfire. On the edge looking out towards the horizon you might see various messages saying "Try rolling" as is typical in the Souls games.

3. After leaving the bonfire and heading up the path, there will be a Hollow sleeping at the entrance to another cave followed by another Hollow inside who tries to attack you. After dealing with the two Hollows move through the cave quickly as Butterflies will try to spray poison mist on you (one throwing knife will kill them them). Below the path you may notice a corpse with an item, ignore it for now. At the exit there will be another sleeping Hollow.

4. After exiting the cave the path will split, one path has a gap with a tree that can be knocked down on the opposite side, and the other leads up to a dark building. You may want to go back to the bonfire and light a torch,inside there is a sconce that you can light. Inside, upon first entering, a Hollow Thief with two daggers will rush you, and another will shoot poison arrows from the other side. Head outside and the Thief with daggers will follow, deal with him quickly and go back in and face left. At the end of the walkway there is a door, run over to it and open the door then quickly cancel the action and roll away to dodge any incoming arrows as well as another dagger wielding Thief that breaks the door *note - you don't have to open the door, just running up to it and dodging makes the thief break it down*. Deal with him and you can smash the boarded up windows to let some light in, go through the doorway. This leads back outside on the ledge above the staircase, on the far edge will be a club wielding Hollow and a corpse hanging of the side with a Cracked Red Eye Orb x1. Then go down the ladder and kick down the tree, to your left is a room with the second bonfire.

5. Across from the bonfire there is a stone pillar with a corpse on it that you can jump to it has a Pharros' Lockstone x1 and a Token of Fidelity x1. Climbing back up the ladder will make the jump easier. Looking back toward the bonfire there is a ledge down below, drop down and you'll find yourself in a lower section of the butterfly cave. Beware, there are more butterflies and a Purgatory Guardian below. At the end of the walkway is a corpse with a Monastery Charm x1 and a Soul of A Proud Knight. Use Throwing Knives to kill the butterflies, 1 is on a mushroom next to the corpse the other is on the left side of the walkway when you come in and then drop down using the mushrooms and kill the Guardian. The chest at the bottom contains Ricard's Rapier. There is a rock wall that you can open by pushing A (xbox) X (ps3), opposite to the chest, that leads to a room with a corpse with a Large Soul of A Nameless Soldier x1 and an Iron Maiden lift that takes you up.

6. The lift leads back to the dark room we passed through, but on the other side instead. Deal with the two thieves, then go down the stairs to collect some loot. Be weary of the large pit in the center of the room. On the floor hanging on the edge of the pit is a corpse with a Lifegem x1 and a Soul of A Lost Undead x1. Then in the corner of the room is a corpse with a Bandit's Knife x1. Then, head up the staircase, and opposite of the door you came in, is a ladder, go up. At the top, a club-wielding Thief will be waiting, let him rush at you, then kill him. A dagger wielding Thief will jump up from the ledge, deal with him and drop down. On the ledge will be a corpse with Poison Moss x1 and a Lifegem x1. Drop down and roll towards the door and return to the bonfire.

7. Heading deeper into the Copse, further down the path there will be a Torch wielding Hollow patrolling the bridge along with another hollow. To your left, before the bridge, there will be a club wielding hollow hiding behind a tree and a corpse with a Large Soul of A Lost Undead x1 and a Small Orange Burr x1. Cross the bridge and you'll meet your first Sickle Wielding Giant, he's not that hard to kill, just kite him across the bridge and bait his attacks and get two or three swings in, rinse and repeat. Kill the butterflies with throwing knives and continue onward There are two more giants, deal with them the same as the first, then head into the cell and on the corpse is a Morning Star and a Large Soul of A Nameless Soldier x1. The third giant is guarding a corpse with a Aromatic Ooze x1. Near the second butterfly is a corpse with a Lifegem x1.

8. Now there are two paths you can take, one leads to the Undead Purgatory, the other leads to the third bonfire:
  • Undead Purgatory: To the right of the first bridge is a second, where there are two Hollows and another Purgatory Guardian, deal with them quickly and on the ledge is a corpse with a Notched Whip, then follow the path where there is four more Purgatory Giants on tall pillars, two with whips, two with staffs. Deal with them one by one and head across the bridge where a red phantom with a Greatsword and shield is waiting.
    • STRATEGY: This guy makes Havel look like a bitch. To deal with this rather difficult phantom, first and most important is not letting him hit you, if he staggers you its game over. The best strategy is parrying and backstabbing, his swing patterns are really odd and its difficult to time it right but it shouldn't be too bad once you get it down. It should take about 4-5 before he is defeated and now you can head inside the Purgatory which hold the Executioner's Chariot boss as well as some loot.

  • Third bonfire: To get there, go up the hill past the first bridge where more Hollow Thieves are waiting. Deal with them, and look over the side where the hut is and drop down into it, there are two corpses one containing Poison Moss x2 and Green Blossom x1 the other has the spell Soul Spear. Follow the tunnel out, and go back up the hill, and into the far hut, a Hollow Thief will drop down, kill him, and pull the lever, this lowers the bridge and now you can get across. The third bonfire is in this cell, but its locked, to get the key cross the bridge next to the pile of burning bodies, more Hollow Thieves await.

9. In this dark canyon with narrow ledges, its important that you take your time. Continue down and the path will split. The upper path leads to three more Hollow Thieves and a corpse with Poison Throwing Knife x10. Looking off the cliff edge there will be a small ledge. On the ledge is a corpse holding Poison Moss x 3. This is also a convenient spot to snipe the thief below. Head back down to the lower path and off to the side is a wooden bridge, this leads you to skeletons and necromancers, don't go there yet, continue down the path and there will be three more Hollow Thieves, one archer is infront of the cell and two more Hollows are inside. Also inside is a corpse with the Undead Lockaway Key. Continue down and you will be invaded by the NPC Merciless Roenna, she is dressed in robes with a satanic rams head as her head, and is equipped with the Bone Scythe and a shield. She's relatively easy to handle as long as she doesn't cause you to bleed out. Kite her back to the top path and you should have plenty of room to fight her. Further down this path is the boss gate, however return to the locked bonfire for now and use the key to unlock it and interact with the NPC Creighton of Mirrah inside. He teaches the 'Fist Pump' gesture and tells you how he got locked up inside. Killing him results in him dropping his mask and Melentia will sell the rest of his set.

10. Next to the bonfire will be a cave, this leads to skeletons and a necromancer as well as jars that emit a cursing fog. Upon entering you will see a sconce to your right as well as a corpse with a Magic Mace and a Titanite Shard. Watch out as there is a skeleton behind the jars. Destroy all jars from here on with a good ranged attack to avoid curse build up from the laughing jars. In the next area a pathway immediately to your left holds a hiding skeleton. Further on the right hand side of the room is a necromancer. Kill him to stop the skeletons from respawning and carry on. You will come to a closed gate which you can't pass as the lever is on the opposite side. Back track to the small pathway which the skeleton was hiding in and you will arrive outside again. Cross over the wooden bridge and continue right down the path and it will lead you to the boss fog gate where you fight the Skeleton Lords. Before entering the fog, move along the right hand path near the waterfall to come to the opposite side of the cave from earlier. You will come to a room with a necromancer and skeletons on the left side. Careful, as the floor here is missing in some places. Use ranged attacks to dispatch the necromancer. Move forward and take the path to the right first. This leads to a broken bridge with a corpse holding Combustion pyromancy spell and 3x Titanite Shard. Double back and turn right, taking the path leading towards the sconce. At the end of this path is the lever to the closed gate as well as a corpse holding 3x Flame Butterfly. Turn around and head back out of the cave and approach the boss fog door.


Drops: Skeleton Lord's Soul

  • Fire Sorceries
Tips: Buy Holy Water Urns (300 Souls) from Targray at the Blue Cathedral. they one shot the ADDS and two shot the Lords

BOSS: Executioner's Chariot

Video Walk-throughs

Huntsman's Copse Video Walk-through w/ Boss Fights
Video walkthrough.

Previous area Majula or Heide's Tower of Flame

Return to Locations
Next Area: Undead Purgatory or Harvest Valley

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